From blogging I have been lucky enough to form some friendships with other online bloggers. One of my favorite bloggers is Mommy Meryl. We entered into a contest at the same time called Blogging Idol. The goal of the contest is to get as many subscribers to your site as possible, and the one who gets the most wins. There were over a hundred contestants and I’m not close to winning (though I am soooo grateful to those who subscribed to help me), but my friend Mommy Meryl has a great chance of winning. I’m asking my wonderful readers to help boost her over the top and help her win. Please check out her website and subscribe to it via email before midnight July 31.

Here's an excerpt from our interview:
1. How did you get the idea for your blog? I wanted to earn income from home (what mom doesn't?) and my husband had just come from a seminar and felt that the internet was the place to be. We talked about what I had the most passion about and what I love most and it was a very fast answer - being a mommy and everything about it. So, the idea for my website - Chit Chat for Mommies - was born and it became a labor of love. But then I decided - maybe people want to get to know me and once they like me, they will come to my website and blogging was the natural answer to create that relationship between me and mommies who are on the internet.
2. What was your background prior to blogging? Went to Emory University and graduated w/ a BA - major in English and minor Spanish in 1990. Went to law school at Washington University Law School in St. Louis MO and graduated in 1993. Practiced until I became a mommy in 2002 and 2 seconds after I gave birth I cried to my husband that I can't go back to work - all I wanted to do was be a mommy 24/7. My passion has always been with children - I was a camp counselor at my childhood camp for 5 summers, I volunteered at a Child Crisis Center in high school, I teach at my religious institution and was a youth group leader with my husband for 5 years. When I practiced law, I represented children and parents who were involved with CPS
3. What are your goals for your blog? - to be as well known as
4. When did you start blogging? - April 2008
5. How much time do you spend per day blogging? - ha - too much!!! Between maintaining by website and blogs, approximately 4 hours a day on average.
Ok - other than when I was like interviewed for my camp newspaper, I have never been interviewed. I feel famous! Thanks sooooo much for the push! :-)
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