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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Time to be a kid

I was looking into Montessori schools for my daughter to attend next year and at one school in particular, I was told my child would know her multiplication and division by kindergarten. While that sounds impressive, I don’t think I want my child to know that stuff by kindergarten. Seems too early for that. Can’t she just play and learn how to interact with other kids? Apparently Barbara Kane feels the same as I do. She founded her company Hearthsong in 1983 with the idea that earlier is not necessarily better, instead childhood is a special time to learn basic skills. She was inspired by a news article on “superbabies” where parents are teaching their kids facts at younger and younger ages. She was having difficulty finding appropriate toys, so she founded her own company. Her first catalog was a black and white pencil drawing she sent out of her house. Today, they send out 19 million catalogs with their product offerings. They offer items for big kids like myself too, like cake pans in the shape of popsicles so you can have a cake on a stick.